The User Experience (UX) of the Elderly Population viewing Accessible Videos Explaining the Cardiac Surgery Procedure

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Isabelle Carignan
Paul-André Gauthier
Annie Roy-Charland
Marie-Christine Beaudry
Adèle Gallant
Marie-Hélène Hébert
Amélie Hien
Rony Atoui


Medical information is not always easy for patients to understand. There are online documents and websites, but the information is not necessarily reliable, easily accessible or useful, and can add further stress to the patients and their families. The goal of this ongoing research is to help French-speaking patients living in a minority setting increase their level of understanding related to the different stages of cardiac surgery, reduce their level of anxiety in relation to the surgical procedure and ensure that they provide an informed consent when it comes time to undergo cardiac surgery. In this case, bilingual multimedia videos have been created to explain the different stages of cardiac surgery and the associated risks in an easy-to-understand language. In the pilot phase of this project, 49 participants watched the first two videos (before surgery and during surgery) and answered a questionnaire regarding their appreciation. The results obtained were promising. The next step will be to perform a randomized study using an experimental group (patients with video information) and a control group (patients using the standard paper format).

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How to Cite
Carignan, I., Gauthier, P.-A. ., Roy-Charland, A., Beaudry, M.-C., Gallant, A., Hébert, M.-H., … Atoui, R. (2023). The User Experience (UX) of the Elderly Population viewing Accessible Videos Explaining the Cardiac Surgery Procedure. Mediations and Mediatizations, (13), 65–78.
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