FORCES 3: Pedagogical Use of Data From a Pain Self-management Learning Portal. Development of a Data Collection and Analysis Architecture and a Skills Development Tracking Module

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Tom Humeau
Isabelle Savard
Daniel Lemire
Pierre-Olivier Dionne
Gustavo-Adolfo Angulo-Mendoza
Patrick Plante
Anne Marie Pinard
Jean-Sébastien Roy


In addition to allowing easier access to knowledge for all, the development of digital learning environments (DLEs)  presents a new range of pedagogical possibilities. Indeed, the data infrastructures intrinsically linked to Web technologies open up a new field of possibilities. This is the case for the online platform, which provides a set of resources dedicated to people suffering chronic pain to help them better manage it. As part of the development of this platform, the team studied the use of these data infrastructures to propose new offers and functionalities to support learning. Following a rapid prototyping methodology, a module for tracking learning paths was developed in collaboration with potential future users. In addition, a system for collecting and observing user interaction data with the platform was set up using the xAPI standard, to improve the functioning of the site and the various resources.

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How to Cite
Humeau, T., Savard, I., Lemire, D., Dionne, P.-O., Angulo-Mendoza, G.-A., Plante, P., … Roy, J.-S. (2022). FORCES 3: Pedagogical Use of Data From a Pain Self-management Learning Portal. Development of a Data Collection and Analysis Architecture and a Skills Development Tracking Module. Mediations and Mediatizations, (12), 74–97.
Research articles
Author Biography

Isabelle Savard, Université TÉLUQ

Isabelle Savard est professeure régulière à l'Université TÉLUQ. Elle est spécialisée en technologie éducative et possède une expertise en design pédagogique. En 2016, elle a complété un postdoctorat en technologie éducative à la Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), au Japon. Ses travaux portent principalement sur le design pédagogique, la Culture, l’identification et la considération des variables culturelles et contextuelles. Elle est chercheure associée au Centre de recherche LICEF (Laboratoire de recherche en informatique cognitive et environnements de formation) et membre du LICÉ (Laboratoire en ingénierie cognitive et éducative), affilié au LICEF.


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