Distance education projects : vectors of conflicts in the workplace?

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Natalie Bourcier
Josianne Basque


The development of distance learning is a complex instructional engineering task involving new pedagogical, technological and organizational challenges. Work practices are gradually developing in this field but are still not well established in many settings engaged in it. Is this work context likely to foster the emergence of conflicts within work teams? We sought to answer this question by conducting an online survey that has been completed by 80 professionals who have participated in online distance learning design projects in various settings. The results reveal that conflict situations are indeed observed and shed light on their frequency, the objects they have focused on, and their observed effects. If poorly managed, these conflict situations are likely to compromise the quality of distance learning.

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How to Cite
Bourcier, N., & Basque, J. (2020). Distance education projects : vectors of conflicts in the workplace?. Mediations and Mediatizations, (4), 9–26. https://doi.org/10.52358/mm.vi4.128
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