Favoriser l'accessibilité des personnes aînées aux formations en ligne asynchrones avec la conception d'interfaces pour une population vieillissante

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David Pellerin
Julie Castonguay
Manon Beaulieu
Lise Lecours


Online learning in asynchronous courses is an essential component of lifelong learning. However, seniors are one of the most excluded groups. It's important to consider them, because sooner rather than later, they may be faced with the need for this type of training. Just think of experienced workers who are obliged to take asynchronous training provided by their professional associations in order to continue practising. X has teamed up with Company X, a specialist in online educational solutions, to adapt asynchronous training designed for workers to make it accessible to seniors. The adaptation of the asynchronous training was described in a training framework that synthesizes the design principles to be considered when developing user-friendly e-learning interfaces for seniors. This article describes the action research that led to its development, with the participation of nine Quebecers aged between 71 and 83. Two conceptual frameworks, User Centered Design and Designing User Interfaces for an Aging Population, were used to support the adaptation of asynchronous training and develop the framework. 

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How to Cite
Pellerin, D., Castonguay, J., Beaulieu, M., & Lecours, L. (2024). Favoriser l’accessibilité des personnes aînées aux formations en ligne asynchrones avec la conception d’interfaces pour une population vieillissante . Mediations and Mediatizations, (19). https://doi.org/10.52358/mm.vi19.416
Varia - Research articles