The diversity of students’ remote interactive practices: Stake or threat for the university institution?

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Alain Baudrit


In higher education, the digital devices and tools used by students can lead them to organize themselves in the form of peer communities and, in doing so, to interact independently. They are then likely to take some distance from the expectations and modes of operation specific to their university, to be tempted by more or less parallel paths. Unless remote interactive practices offer them increased learning or investigation opportunities. In this article, several works are examined from this perspective to see whether such practices constitute an issue or a threat to the academic institution. The simultaneous use of official tools (such as university forums) and unofficial means available to students (in this case, social networks) is likely to introduce a certain interference into their interactions. Still, on the other hand, there may be opportunities for exploratory exchanges or new collaborations. Hybridization thus at work is likely to present itself as an asset for the institution as well as for the students.

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How to Cite
Baudrit, A. (2023). The diversity of students’ remote interactive practices: Stake or threat for the university institution?. Mediations and Mediatizations, (13), 9–24.
Knowledge syntheses or systematic reviews of the literature


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