Perspectives on Immersive Technologies in Education and Training

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Gustavo Adolfo Angulo Mendoza
Patrick Plante
Caroline Brassard


Immersive technologies are increasingly used in education in several fields. However, it is essential to consider certain aspects related to the pedagogical dimension, such as scripting strategies and  measuring their effectiveness. This issue proposes a variety of works exploring the use of immersive technologies in education and training. These technologies can create captivating learning environments that promote deeper understanding and improve knowledge retention. Nevertheless, challenges remain, such as equipment accessibility, teacher training, selection of relevant content, and ethical and safety concerns. Technological advances offer new possibilities for intuitive interaction and personalization of learning experiences. The 14 articles presented in this issue contribute to thinking about the use of immersive technologies in education and training, hoping to spark new ideas and innovative initiatives for enriching training.

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How to Cite
Angulo Mendoza, G. A., Plante, P., & Brassard, C. (2023). Perspectives on Immersive Technologies in Education and Training. Mediations and Mediatizations, (15), 3–10.


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