Systemic issues of co-development of digital tools in support of training: a confrontation between will and obstacles
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In the context of digital transition and workforce shortage in education, teachers are looking for innovative tools to perform their work and optimize their actions. This context has led to an action-research study aiming to co-develop digital tools that foster work disability prevention among challenged students doing work placements. The study carries a desire to innovate, supported firstly by a co-development process with the school staff, and secondly by mobilizing a gender-sensitive lens. The article describes the co-development process, the innovations developed, and the obstacles that emerged during the project. These constraints fall mainly into three categories: the digital skills of teachers and students, the workload, and the organizational support influencing digital innovation. These constraints proved to be in opposition to the willingness to innovate present in all participants, who recognized the benefit of the new tools and their positive impact on their work. The obstacles and dispositions will be presented from the perspective of the systemic factors that amplify them in order to reflect on the conditions necessary for digital innovation in education.
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