The Two Worlds Thesis and the Theory of the Commons in Support of Dgital Solidarity in Education in Quebec

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Jean Bernatchez
Marie Alexandre
Naomie Fournier-Dubé


Digital solidarity is both a concept under construction and an emerging culture. What about digital solidarity in education in Quebec in 2022? The two-worlds thesis (Aigrain, 2005) allows us to define the dilemma. On the one hand, large commercial enterprises aim for profit, control markets, and manipulate behaviour. On the other hand, strategies of digital solidarity are being deployed locally: free software, open science, network culture and sharing. In Quebec, many teachers opt for the commercial form. They could be inspired instead by the theory of the commons (Ostrom, 1990) in support of digital schooling.

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How to Cite
Bernatchez, J., Alexandre, M., & Fournier-Dubé, N. (2022). The Two Worlds Thesis and the Theory of the Commons in Support of Dgital Solidarity in Education in Quebec. Mediations and Mediatizations, (12), 174–182.
Discussions and debates


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