Distance learning and uses of video - Interview with Michaël Bourgatte and Laurent Tessier

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Stéphanie Chauveau


During the 2010s, the creation and sharing of video for educational purposes has grown exponentially. These practices have been made possible by the improvement of network quality, the democratization of technologies (smartphones, tablets) and the appearance of hosting platforms (especially YouTube). Thus, we have seen the emergence of new distance-learning formats based mainly on videos: MOOCs, SPOCs and hybrid synchronous or asynchronous training. At the heart of these new educational formats, these videos made it possible to articulate a subject and a set of images. However, they are often delivered as simple illustrations. In this context, how can we design relevant teaching capsules, integrated into innovative scenarios that take advantage of their potential and promote the co-construction of representations and knowledge? In an interview, Michaël Bourgatte and Laurent Tessier, teacher-researchers at the Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP), talk about their practices within a university laboratory project on educational innovations. They describe initiatives showing that video featuring testimonies and accounts of experiments can be a source of sharing between peers and, on occasion, the use of annotation tools can encourage learner involvement.

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How to Cite
Chauveau, S. (2021). Distance learning and uses of video - Interview with Michaël Bourgatte and Laurent Tessier. Mediations and Mediatizations, (7), 109–114. https://doi.org/10.52358/mm.vi7.208
Personal accounts and interviews


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