Médiations et médiatisations (Mediation and Mediatization) is a journal devoted to education in the digital era. It is intended for researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners interested in the teaching, learning and communication inherent in any training. The journal is therefore open to proposals for publications on the theories, issues, representations, practices, and use of technology in communication and education.

In the tradition of the journal DistanceS (1996-2011), it accords special importance to issues surrounding total or partial distance education, but also accepts articles on many other themes.

Médiations et médiatisations aims to discuss emerging theories, knowledge, and practices in various contexts in order to enrich thinking and practices. That is why it promotes openness on various levels: 

  • Language — Authors can publish in French, English, or Spanish. At the moment, this is the only trilingual journal in this field.

  • Disciplines — The journal accepts work from all disciplines and transdisciplinary approaches to advance thinking in the fields of education and communication.

  • Contributions — Various kinds of writings may be proposed (systematic literature reviews, scientific articles, articles by practitioners, syntheses of students’ work, discussions and debates, accounts and interviews, lecture notes). 

  • Distribution — The journal is distributed online, with open access, under the license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

For each paper submitted, the journal uses a double-blind expert review and the editorial criteria applicable for each type of paper. Mediation and Mediatization invites authors to submit research articles but also welcomes other submissions such as review articles and case studies in different formats (written, audio and video). The 4-step publishing process is integrated with the platform used, Open Journal Systems.

Recognition and indexing

The Journal is recognized by the Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur of France (Hcéres) in the Interface journal category. Its copyright and self-archiving policy is registered in Sherpa/RoMEO. It is listed in Érudit, in the réseau Mir@bel, in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in the Searchable Directory of Selected Journals in Online and Distance Learning de Contact Nord (teachonline.ca).