Neither Pagosus Orbilius nor Positive Teaching. What is Teaching?

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Ambroise Baillifard
Mélanie Bonvin


Plagosus (a flogger) Orbilius isconcerned with making his students learn rather than teaching them. He represents a model of brutal and knowledge-centered teaching. On the other end of the spectrum, positive education may push the teacher to step back to allow the student to learn in a secure and benevolent environment. If plagosus Orbilius does not teach (since he makes people learn), teaching that is too concerned with watching over and caring for students can still not teach or guarantee their empowerment. But then, what is teaching? It is a difficult art that the second part of this article attempts to define.

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How to Cite
Baillifard, A., & Bonvin, M. (2023). Neither Pagosus Orbilius nor Positive Teaching. What is Teaching?. Mediations and Mediatizations, (13), 79–83.
Discussions and debates


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