Immersive Technologies in Education: Strategic Digital Revolution or Devices Among Others?

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Danielle Bebey


The increase in investments and research works on immersive technologies suggests that these are revolutions for which researchers have every interest in positioning themselves to bring solutions to society. Through this wave, different applications of immersive technologies in training are identified, as well as the associated pedagogical scenarios. However, many works demonstrate the contributions of these technologies, sometimes forgetting that they are only tools. Our contribution aims at questioning the necessity to bring a complementarity between the existing devices rather than to dig into them by focusing on some of them; in spite of the benefits of immersive technologies, there are limits that can be compensated by traditional or less immersive means.

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How to Cite
Bebey, D. (2023). Immersive Technologies in Education: Strategic Digital Revolution or Devices Among Others?. Mediations and Mediatizations, (15), 214–220.
Discussions and debates


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