Developing Digital, Media, and Multimodal Literacy Competencies in Secondary Students Through the Creation of Virtual Reality Anticipation Narratives

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Martin Lalonde
Karine Blanchette
Géraldine Wuyckens
Emma June Huebner
Barbara Meilleur


The ma.réalité project examined the potential of VR and augmented reality technology devices for fostering the development of digital, multimodal, and media literacy skills in secondary school students and art educators. Based on the methodological principles of design-based research (McKenney & Reeves, 2014), this study seeks to yield new theoretical and practical knowledge about integrating VR technologies in art education. This article presents preliminary findings that focus on digital competencies and multimodal media literacy skills (Acerra & Lacelle, 2022) that students harnessed during the first two iterations of the research. These findings suggest that creating immersive virtual reality environments challenges students to develop skills related to the interaction of various semiotic modes, thus uniquely engaging the technical, semiotic, and multimodal components of the multimodal media literacy competency framework.

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How to Cite
Lalonde, M., Blanchette, K., Wuyckens, G., Huebner, E. J., & Meilleur, B. (2023). Developing Digital, Media, and Multimodal Literacy Competencies in Secondary Students Through the Creation of Virtual Reality Anticipation Narratives. Mediations and Mediatizations, (15), 123–140.
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