The Effects of the use of Digital Technology on an Action Research Training System Targeting Groups of Inspectors and Education Trainers in Africa

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Brian Begue
Thierry Hug


The article proposes an analysis of intervention engineering and distance training of actors in a support program to manage the quality of basic education. The approach of this program is based on action research. National research teams (ENR), made up of inspectors and trainers of trainers are coordinated by teacher-researchers in each country. These teams are remotely supported by a limited supervision team made up of consultants with various profiles (public policy analyst, trainer of trainers, teacher-researchers, and sociologists).

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How to Cite
Begue, B., & Thierry Hug. (2023). The Effects of the use of Digital Technology on an Action Research Training System Targeting Groups of Inspectors and Education Trainers in Africa. Mediations and Mediatizations, (14), 95–106.
Practitioners' articles


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