Constructive align-what, you say? An example of dynamic formative e-assessment in postsecondary education

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Edith Potvin-Rosselet
Jérémie Bisaillon
Diane Leduc


The article presents the steps of a dynamic formative e-assessment design work carried out in a postgraduate course on distance learning. The designed e-assessment dealt with the concept of pedagogical alignment and was implemented in an introduction to teaching methods and strategies course in its online and asynchronous version. The Test feature in Moodle was used for this purpose. The e-assessment takes the form of a quiz with eight questions and its feedback for which the creation process is presented. A pilot of this e-assessment took place in a mostly asynchronous course. An overview of the results obtained by learners who had access to the e-assessment is briefly presented. Finally, an overall assessment of the evaluation criteria for an e-evaluation is presented.

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How to Cite
Potvin-Rosselet, E., Bisaillon, J., & Leduc, D. (2022). Constructive align-what, you say? An example of dynamic formative e-assessment in postsecondary education. Mediations and Mediatizations, (9), 53–69.
Summaries of academic work


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