An Analysis of Conditions for the Effectiveness of Distance Education in Higher Education in Africa

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Faustin Kagorora
Valéry Psyché
Francisco A. Loiola


The COVID-19 pandemic has made distance education more popular across the globe, and Africa is no exception. As a result, the interest of researchers in ways to make this mode of teaching-learning effective has increased, especially in higher education. In this article, based on a literature review, we present methodological approaches (quantitative, qualitative and mixed) used by researchers to study the conditions for the effectiveness of distance education in higher education in Africa and the conditions proposed in several of the studies reviewed. Results of our research show that these conditions include, among others, the technological infrastructure and equipment, the quality of internet access, techno-pedagogical skills of students and teachers, the course design, characteristics of online learning tools, as well as support resources (for teachers and students). We also present proposals of researchers to face certain challenges, including inadequate technological infrastructures.

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How to Cite
Kagorora, F., Psyché, V., & A. Loiola, F. (2023). An Analysis of Conditions for the Effectiveness of Distance Education in Higher Education in Africa. Mediations and Mediatizations, (14), 28–45.
Knowledge syntheses or systematic reviews of the literature


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