Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): Practices and Perspectives in the Education Sector
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Distributed ledger technology (DLT), also known as Blockchain, is a stimulating innovation present in business and finance. According to CPA Canada (2019), these technologies are powerful in their potential to create new business models. Many countries have already adopted DLT for aspects of document notarization, identity management, e-residency, health, security, and other administrative services. With the arrival of digital in the education sector, through distance learning, smart classrooms and smart school management tools, technology has taken place in schools and will be present in future developments. The arrival of distributed ledger technology is part of this line. However, the rapid and constant evolution and complexity of distributed ledger technology and the scarcity of specialized DRT skills in Africa as well as the high cost of the initial infrastructure to be put in place and the lack of a regulatory framework, raise many concerns about the adoption of this technology in a sensitive sector such as education.
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