Digital technology for collaborative learning: new interfaces, new interactions
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Education systems, from school to university, are facing a context of profound changes that are transforming teaching practices and formal learning. With the ambition of enabling everyone to learn, do, be, and decide, individually and collectively, in a complex world in perpetual motion, institutions encourage the implementation of collaborative approaches. At the heart of these challenges, digital technologies are also seeing their diversity expand rapidly. New-generation interfaces such as tangible, mixed reality, or robotic interfaces modify interactions with others and knowledge by offering alternative human-computer interaction paradigms to those offered by screen-keyboard-mouse interfaces. The objective of this fifth thematic issue, deliberately interdisciplinary, is to question the impact and place of digital technology - including new-generation ones - in collaborative learning. Interactions with knowledge, with others within learning or teaching communities, and digital systems themselves are in turn at the center of the authors' focus in this issue. Their twelve contributions, through complementary approaches, increase the corpus of empirical and methodological knowledge. They examine collaborative approaches among teachers, the commitment to collaboration among learners in face-to-face or distance learning, and the resulting construction of learning, in light of the systems' influence on it. This allows identifying several directions for further work on new digital interfaces and interactions for collaborative learning.
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