New digital interactions and school learning: Interview with Mireille Bétrancourt

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Stéphanie Fleck
Luc Massou


Mireille Bétrancourt is a professor of Information Technology and Learning Processes at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Geneva (Switzerland), where she heads the Training and Learning Technologies Unit (TECFA). Her work's general focus is on designing digital educational resources from a cognitive and ergonomic perspective and the uses of digital technologies in different training and teaching contexts. In this interview, she underlines the importance of techno-pedagogical congruence of new sensory-motor interactions with the learning task's requirements and the school context in which they are used to evaluate their real contributions better.

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How to Cite
Fleck, S., & Massou, L. (2021). New digital interactions and school learning: Interview with Mireille Bétrancourt. Mediations and Mediatizations, (5), 210–216.
Personal accounts and interviews


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