Presence at a distance in e-Learning: Interview with Annie Jézégou

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Sonia Androwkha


Annie Jézégou is Professor of Education and Training Sciences at the University of Lille (France) at the CIREL laboratory (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Education de Lille) and at the SEFA department (Sciences of Adult Education and Training). The general aim of her work is to address the technical-pedagogical and socio-pedagogical dimensions that promote the self-direction of learners in e-learning. Her research on e-Learning has, in particular, made it possible to provide theoretical support for the concept of opening up digital learning environments. It has also contributed to modelling the phenomenon of distance presence in an e-learning context.

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How to Cite
Androwkha, S. (2020). Presence at a distance in e-Learning: Interview with Annie Jézégou. Mediations and Mediatizations, (3), 59–67.
Personal accounts and interviews


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