Digitalization of work and transformations in training. What kind of training engineering? What are the challenges of professionalization?

Send a notice of intention until July 15, 2024

'Over time, technological advances as well as economic and political changes have altered the way people work (Perreau & Wittorski, 2023; Labbé & Champy-Remoussenard, 2013). Today, for example, the question of lifelong training is leading us to observe a gradual transfer to individuals’ management of their own training and employment path. One can add to these innovations linked to the development of digital technology, such as automation, telecommuting, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, as well as new practices associated with instrumented situations (simulations, virtual or immersive reality, remote or hybrid devices), and have a picture of the transformations that today govern both the world of work and that of training.

To accompany such innovations and meet the new demands they face, the training field is reinventing itself by reinterrogating the training and pedagogical engineering it requires (Brémaud and Guillaumin, 2010; Ardouin, 2017; Verquin Savarieau and Papadopoulou, 2023). For this reason, one needs to question the very knowledge and practices of the training professions by questioning engineering practices which are the negotiated product of social, political, technical and pedagogical interactions (Vinck, 2014). Consequently, the greater the demands placed on it , the more the training function needs to be recognized as a consolidated profession if the professions for which training is indispensable are to be considered successful (Wittorski, 2008). The training policies and procedures associated with these functions call into question not only the resources deployed, but also a quickly changing field of practice . Should one speak of engineeringS in the plural, and why?

The aim of this thematic issue is to take account of all aspects of work digitalization, which is accompanied by new training needs, as well as their possible reciprocity, i.e. how does training enable us to rethink work? It proposes to contribute to the reflection on these aspects, based on the following questions:

1. How can training professions be better prepared for changes in the workplace?
2. Does training or pedagogical engineering have the same meaning and take on the same challenges in all countries?
3. How do training courses professionalize the practice of training engineering?
4. How can training professionals be recognized, either as engineers or as experts in the training field?
5. What skills are expected of the staff in charge of training schemes in the workplace and training environments?
6. How does research influence the integration of engineering practices into the world of work and training?
7. Faced with the development of artificial intelligence in training, what are the challenges of adapting and transforming training engineering practices?
8. From engineering to training engineering, what place is there for creativity and the development of context-based engineering?



Ardouin, T. (2017). Ingénierie de formation. Intégrez les nouveaux modes de formation dans votre pédagogie (éd. 5e). Paris: Dunod.

Armao Méliet, E. (2017). L’évolution des métiers de l’ingénierie pédagogique : quelle adéquation entre les nouveaux besoins et les formations proposées ? Distances et médiations des savoirs, 18.

Brémaud, L. & Guillaumin, C. (2010). L'archipel de l'ingénierie de la formation. Transformations, recompositions. Rennes: PUR.

Gérard, C. (2011). Ingénierie, complexité et ingenium en éducation. La méthode à l’œuvre de la professionnalisation. Revue Transformations, 5 (juin), 31-46.

Henri, F. (2019). Quel changement à l’ère du numérique ? Quelle ingénierie pédagogique pour y répondre ? Médiations et Médiatisations, 2, 227-235. Récupéré de :

Hulin, T. (2018). Design pédagogique et renversements des logiques de conception. Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication, 18(3B), 61-75.

Labbé, S. & Champy-Remoussenard, P. (2013). Le travail en évolution. Le regard des Sciences de l’Éducation, Les dossiers des sciences de l’éducation, 30, 7-15.

Lavielle-Gutnik, N. et Verquin Savarieau B. (2022). Éditorial. Éducation Permanente, 231, 5-8.

Maubant, P. (2019). Introduction. Professionnalisation et ingénierie de formation : entre résonnances et divergences. Phronesis, 8(3), 1-4.

Perreau, T. & Wittorski, R. (2023). Travailler, se former. Se prendre en main et pour quoi faire? Paris: Champ social

Verquin Savarieau, B., Papadopoulou, M. (2023). Des ingénieries à l’ingénium de formation. Éducation Permanente, 234-235, 61-74.

Vinck, D. (2014). Pratiques d'ingénierie: Les savoirs de l'action. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 8,2, 225-243.

Wittorski, R. (2008). La professionnalisation. Savoirs, 17, 9-36.



  • Notice of intention: until July 15, 2024
  • Full paper due: until August 26, 2024
  • Review provided: November 18 2024
  • Revised paper due: December 16 2024
  • Publication: April 2025


Send a notice of intention until July 15, 2024

If you want to submit an article, we invite you to send a notice of intention to both the issue coordinator and the editor in the following format and sequence:


-Article type (research, practitioner, debate, etc.);

-Summary (half-page).

  • Title;
  • Type of contribution (research article, practitioner article, student article, debate article, etc.);
  • Half-page summary.

Coordination of the special issue:
Béatrice Verquin Savarieau, Université de Rouen (
Melpomeni Papadopoulou, Université de Tours (

Editor-in-Chief: Cathia Papi,

Submissions must be made via the journal's website.

At all times, the journal Médiations et médiatisations (Mediation and Mediatization) also accepts off-theme submissions for publication in a varia issue.

Médiations et médiatisations makes its debut on É! Our journal Médiations et médiatisations (Mediations and Mediatizations) is now available on É, one of the largest digital platforms for French-language scholarly publications. Read the annoncement